Types of people and their reactions to social media trends.

Georgia Sagolsem
3 min readOct 17, 2017


Uh-oh, a social media trend is up and running. The vortex has opened and you will be sucked in. And in this vortex, you will hurl into a lot of interesting peeps.

It can be beautiful or end up being a nightmare.

You and I are no strangers to hashtag trends. The amazing thing about it is that it can be wielded to strike a conversation about things that move us.

Now, when it comes to using this power to drive social change, you can expect a few reactions. Some will hate it, some will love it and some will be downright indifferent.

I’ve noticed a few patterns whenever a bigger conversation comes to the fore. These are the different types of people and their reactions to any given social media trend. #ListiclesRule

1.) The early adopter

Like with gadget lovers all around, this person wants to get in on the latest early on.. simply because it’s new and shiny. They’re on board with what’s being said and will gladly post and show solidarity for the cause. Their enthusiasm can only equal that of Kimmy Schmidt.

2) The cynic

Yep, there’s always the one guy who’s not willing to believe. They’ve made up their mind that no matter what it is, it’s not going to work. Because according to them, ‘that’s not how it works’. George Costanza would feel like a delight compared to this lot.

3) The coolboy@rockstar

Nothing is cool enough for this one, except the sparkling image in the mirror. This one can’t fathom a topic bigger than himself. He wears his opinion like he wears his gluten-free, organic, bracelet — ‘different from the mass’ and so he’s unwilling to participate.

4) The fact pro

Every piece of data, survey, study and news is filed at the back of this dude’s hand. Because armchair activism would be nothing without some hard hitting facts. Funny thing is.. despite knowing so much, this person doesn’t seem to affect actual change except the colour of his skin when he reads an opposing comment. He uses the most powerful resource to fan his ego through comments only.

5) The chutiya

The one who despite living in the day and age we do, has refused to grow up and develop a humane side to himself. This is every sexist, racist, discriminating, depreciating, soul sucking person whose point of view is so infuriating, you wish you had an actual death stare.

6) The NEO

This is where logic resides and empathy takes forefront. For these people, it’s clear that a bigger calling is at hand and that’s what they work towards. There’s no hidden agenda or ego stroke. This is the ideal.

The ideal is never easy to find.. many say it’s hard.. unrealistic and just something that people talk about.

To the naysayers, I have to say — Some of the greatest things in our world have come to existence through severe hardship and unrealistic imaginations. The ideal is not just that castle in the air but it’s something that resides within us.

All you need to do is ask yourself.. are the thoughts I’m penning down on the inter-webs going to hurt or help? If it’s the former, you may benefit from rewriting. Because all said and done, there’s enough hate to go around and not enough love, support and kindness here. If not support, you have this magical option called staying silent.

And most of all, find the NEO in you.

P.s.: You don’t have to identify/relate with any of these types. They’re simply observations of human behavior.



Georgia Sagolsem
Georgia Sagolsem

Written by Georgia Sagolsem

I write about life, death, love and everything in between.

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